Healthy Start
More Than Cavities + Cleanings
You don’t know until you know, right? Enter Healthy Start. Dr. Pless was on a dental course out of town and sleeping in the same hotel bed as her 4-year-old daughter, who was snoring…and grinding her teeth…and having meltdowns on what were supposed to be fun-filled family days. Coincidentally, one of the speakers at the course gave a presentation on Healthy Start and the science behind how Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) is wreaking havoc on our children’s health. 9 out of 10 children have at least one symptom of SDB, to include teeth crowding and bite misalignment. These symptoms are often undiagnosed and untreated, likely worsening with age, which sets up a host of chronic issues for which Healthy Start provides a natural, organic solution. Having helped 4 million kids over 50 years treat root cause issues, the Healthy Start system fits right in with the #RenaissanceExperience and we’re proud providers since 2019.
If you’ve noticed your child snoring, mouth breathing, grinding their teeth, or crooked baby or permanent teeth, let’s talk. Because you don’t know until you know.
Questions about Healthy Start and your child? Take this quiz to find out if Healthy Start can help!
Does this look like your child?
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness + Difficulty Focusing
- Falls asleep watching TV
- Feels sleepy and/or irritable during the day
- Has a difficult time listening and often interrupts
- Figets with hands or does not sit quietly
- Poor ability in school
Mouth Breathing + Snoring
- Snoring of any kind
- Mouth breathing, day or night
- Labored, difficult breathing at night
- Grinding teeth
Waking Up at Night + Restless Sleep
- Bedwetting
- Excessive sweating while sleeping
- Talks in sleep
- Nightmares and/or night terrors
Wanna hear Dr. Pless break this down?
Click HERE for her Healthy Start Parent Webinar
Benefits of Healthy Start + Early Intervention
Mostly worn at nighttime only
Contributes to whole health wellness
Staighter smiles during growing years
Non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical
Takes advantage of your child’s natural growth
Financial savings over average adolescent orthodontics
Most dental insurance orthodontic benefits can be used towards the Healthy Start system.